Board of Directors

The Board of Directors ensures the proper conduct of The American School of Tampico Civil Association and in all questions inherent in The American School of Tampico.

Some of the responsibilities of the Board of Directors are:

  • Supervision of all actions involved in the administration of The American School of Tampico.
  • Submittal for approval by the Board of Trustees of all budgets, projects, balance sheets, and administrative actions as reported in the BOD minutes.
  • The nomination, removal, and assignment of powers to the faculty, administrators, and officers of The American School of Tampico.
  • Empowerment and revocation of General Legal Representatives for Litigation and Collections, as well as the empowerment and revocation of Special Legal Representatives for the performance of business activities.
The Board of Directors is formed as follows: Javier Garza García, President; Germán Eichelmann Alexandre, Mariana Fernández de Rodríguez, José Luis González Rodríguez, Juan Ignacio Haces Villegas, Beatriz Laddaga Becerra, Joaquín Madaria Alzaga, Claudia Martínez de Herrera and Luis Velázquez Villaseñor.

Board members serve for a 3-year period and may be re-elected for a second period. The Board is self-perpetuating.

Mr. Germán Eichelmann Alexandre
Mrs. Mariana Fernández Arcelus
Mrs. Beatriz Laddaga Becerra
Mr. Joaquín Madaria Alzaga
Mrs. Claudia Martínez de Herrera

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