The ATS Legacy Association

Welcome to The ATS Legacy Association, a dynamic community of alumni mothers within ATS who are dedicated to enhancing our school's facilities, programs, and overall educational experience. Committed to making a lasting impact, we unite our resources, talents, and social connections to support the advancement of ATS.

Our primary mission is to raise funds and donations through exclusive events and initiatives. These resources are channeled directly into the betterment of ATS, including infrastructure improvements, modernized learning spaces, and enriched educational opportunities.

Through our collective efforts, we've funded numerous projects that have transformed ATS into a premier educational institution. From renovated classrooms to cutting-edge technology, we've witnessed our contributions make a difference in the lives of ATS students.


Movie Night

The ATS Legacy Association proudly launched its journey with the unforgettable ATS Movie Night. This event marked the beginning of many wonderful moments and served as an introduction to our mission. Thanks to the incredible support from our community, it was a night filled with magic and camaraderie.


Marlin Dash

Marlin Dash

The Marlin Dash, organized by The ATS Legacy Association, was held at the ATS campus, marking our first Urban Cross Country race. Open to the entire ATS community, including students, staff, parents, and alumni, the event offered a diverse and challenging course tailored for each age group.

The event kicked off at 8:00 AM, and featured breakfast and beverages from various restaurants, along with games and stands by our student organizations. A raffle was held for all participants, and a live band provided entertainment, fostering the ATS community spirit. The festivities concluded at 1:00 PM.


Funds raised from the MARLIN DASH event were used to purchase team benches and new goals for our olympic soccer field. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated, especially to sponsors and The Legacy Association for their unwavering support. Your contributions and enthusiasm made this event a success. Thank you for helping us create a stronger, more vibrant school community!

Dear Sponsors, your support not only enhances the Marlin Dash event experience but also strengthens the sense of community and the spirit of collaboration. We are deeply grateful for your generosity and for believing in the importance of this event. Thank you for being part of this wonderful journey!

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