From the Director of Learning

Dear Students, Parents, and Staff,

Welcome back to another exciting year of learning and growth! As the Director of Learning, I am thrilled to welcome each of you to our vibrant school community.

At ATS, we are not just a school but a family of learners. This year, we are committed to nurturing an environment where accountability and caring go hand in hand. We believe that when we hold ourselves accountable for our actions and learn and support one another with kindness and empathy, we create a community that thrives.

Our journey together is a shared one where students, parents, and staff contribute to the fabric of our community. Let's challenge ourselves to take ownership of our learning, push boundaries, and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. And remember that a caring community uplifts everyone – a simple act of kindness can have a profound impact.

I'm excited to witness the accomplishments, collaborations, and moments of support that will define this school year. Let's work together to make it a remarkable chapter in our story.

Here's to a year of learning, accountability, and caring!

Warm regards,

Ms. Lourdes González
Director of Learning
Early Childhood
Middle School
High School


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