Performing Arts Coordinator's Message

Dear Parents,

On behalf of the Performing Arts department, we warmly welcome you to this school year. We are excited and prepared to offer our students, from preschool to high school, experiences in art that enhance their comprehensive education.

The arts play a crucial role in our students' development at every stage, fostering discipline and providing space for imagination, creativity, and personal expression.

Our academic program adheres to the National Core Arts Standards (NCAS), ensuring competitive and high-quality education while staying true to the primary purpose of the arts: to be a means of exploration, construction, and expression of the self, as well as fostering interpersonal communication and community interaction.

Throughout this school year, we will start with musical initiation in preschool, allowing students to begin forming a bond with music. In elementary school, our rotating arts program offers students the opportunity to explore various disciplines: Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, and Musical Instruments. In middle school, the rotation continues with explorations in Percussion, Vocal Music, Visual Arts, and Musical Ensemble. In high school, 9th graders experience all six options mentioned before and focus on a chosen or assigned discipline during the school year, while students in grades 10 through 12 can choose elective arts courses to further their exploration or specialization.

We also offer extracurricular activities to reinforce and develop our students' artistic interests, culminating in our annual show, resulting in their continuous growth and exposure to the arts, showcasing their talents. Meanwhile they have a learning and growing experience from being part of a multidisciplinary artistic ensemble. Quite a challenge but a truly memorable experience.

Engaging in artistic disciplines broadens learning opportunities, stimulates specific areas of the brain that enhance cognitive abilities, and promotes a positive balance in mental and emotional well-being. It provides invaluable moments of teamwork, recognition, and strengthens bonds and self-esteem among our students. We reaffirm our commitment to this wonderful and valuable work.

Best Regards,

Arq. Carolina Bringas Pernas
Performing Arts Coordinator


Our academic program adheres to the NCAS (National Core Arts Standards), ensuring competitive and quality education while maintaining art as a means for self-expression and interpersonal communication.

  • Preschool: Musical initiation to establish an early bond with music.
  • Elementary School: A rotating arts program where students experience various disciplines such as Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, Musical Instruments, and Singing.
  • Middle School and Highschool: The rotating system continues, including Percussion. 9th-grade students focus on a chosen or assigned discipline throughout the year. 10th to 12th graders can choose elective subjects like Band, Dance, Drama, Drawing, and Painting.



The Performing Arts section at our school showcases a variety of events and presentations throughout the year, highlighting the incredible talents our students develop in this outstanding program. Students are deeply involved in every aspect, from selecting themes and writing scripts to production, decoration, and set design. They gain hands-on experience in all facets of theater and performance, learning the intricate details behind every presentation. These events not only demonstrate their artistic skills but also their teamwork, creativity, and dedication.



On May 18th, ATS proudly presented "Into the Magic," an enchanting event that brought together drama, musical ensemble, singing, dance, and visual arts. This show highlighted the talents and dedication of our students, supported by a passionate team of teachers and creatives. The performance was a celebration of the stories, adventures, and dreams that shape our students' lives. It was a night filled with magic, showcasing the essence of our community and the importance of the arts in school life. Thank you to everyone who made this event unforgettable.

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