High School Principal

Martha Laura Garza

High School Vice Principal

Mathieu Berthin

College Counselor, AP and SAT Coordinator, 12th Grade Advisor

Elvia González

HS Counselor, Psychology Dept Planning and 11th grade Advisor

Grace Paredes

HS Counselor and Psychology Teacher

Cynthia Juárez

SEP Director

Ludivina Perales

High School Section Assistant

Cristina Rivera

High School Section Assistant

Alejandra González

HS Social Studies Teacher and Student Ambassadors Advisor

Lilia Durán

HS French and Italian Teacher

Jessica Hernández

HS Physics Teacher and Green Society Coordinator

Noel Hernández

HS Social Studies Teacher and STUCO Advisor

Victoria Mejía

HS Physican Science Teacher and Lab Tech Coordinator

Nora Mercado

Schedules Coordinator and HS Technology Teacher

María Elena Montes

HS AP Statistics and Calculus Teacher

Gloria Morales

HS Science and Environmental Projects Teacher, Green Society Coord.

Marcela Morales

HS Algebra Teacher and 9th Grade Advisor

Beatriz Olguín

HS Science Department Head and Teacher, NHS Advisor

Iliana Olvera

HS Spanish Teacher

Judith Páez

HS Math Department Head and Teacher, Personal Finances Teacher

Diana Paredes

HS English Literature Teacher and Care2Connect Coordinator

Mariola Pintado

HS Technology Teacher and Tech Support

Juan Ponce

HS Spanish Teacher and Care2Connect Coordinator

Maria De Jesus Ponce

HS Civics Teacher, Service Learning and Trips Coordinator

Ma. Alejandra Román

HS Algebra Teacher and 10th Grade Advisor

Mariana Sabbatini

HS Anatomy and Physiology and Everyday Medicine Teacher

Berenice Tinajero

HS Social Studies Teacher, HS Social Studies Department Head & MUN Coordinator

Ana Laura Torres

HS Spanish Department Head and Teacher

Gloria Cecilia Torres

HS English Department Head and Teacher

James Roman

HS English Literature Teacher

Carol Heeter

HS Social Studies Teacher

Michael Adam Geer

HS AP 2DArt and Art Teacher

Gloria Martínez

HS Everyday Medicine Teacher

Ana Dávila


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